Wall art
Am looking at flower after flower. Not very me, I know, but am putting together some pics for my friend Elsebeth. We were at Homemate the other day, a cheap version of IKEA here in Malta, and she was going to buy some factory made canvasses to hang in her new amazing flat in Tigne Point. Uejja, i said (like a true maltese!), we can do better than that! Use some of my photos! She took me up on the challenge, and now i am looking at flower after flower...
Here are some of my favourites:

According to my sister, who was the one dragging me around one public garden after the other this summer, these are all Allium flowers, kind of an onion flower. I love them, love their shape and texture.

Here are some of my favourites:

According to my sister, who was the one dragging me around one public garden after the other this summer, these are all Allium flowers, kind of an onion flower. I love them, love their shape and texture.

Milla has started school!
This is Milla on her first day to school:

With the man of her life (daddy Kynan), she is proudly going for the first day of many many school days! And how proud she was! She put on her favourite dress, and her favourite neckless. And without stopping smiling, she waved bye to me when I dropped her off in class. I of course had tears in my eyes! Plus I was worried that the wailing from some 6 - 7 other kids who thought they were dropped off in a Gulag work camp would make Milla change her mind and start her off howling to. But oh no, she loved it, and has loved it since!
This is Milla in the official school uniform of Mgarr primary:

I know, i know: it looks like she has an official Swedish sports outfit! I couldn't believe it when i saw it the first time, and i still can't get used to it! The other day, her yellow t-shirts were all dirty, so i gave her a swedisn football t-shirt to wear instead, with no 9 Lundberg on the back! Worked just as well!
And please note how well the pearls go with the school uniform!

With the man of her life (daddy Kynan), she is proudly going for the first day of many many school days! And how proud she was! She put on her favourite dress, and her favourite neckless. And without stopping smiling, she waved bye to me when I dropped her off in class. I of course had tears in my eyes! Plus I was worried that the wailing from some 6 - 7 other kids who thought they were dropped off in a Gulag work camp would make Milla change her mind and start her off howling to. But oh no, she loved it, and has loved it since!
This is Milla in the official school uniform of Mgarr primary:

I know, i know: it looks like she has an official Swedish sports outfit! I couldn't believe it when i saw it the first time, and i still can't get used to it! The other day, her yellow t-shirts were all dirty, so i gave her a swedisn football t-shirt to wear instead, with no 9 Lundberg on the back! Worked just as well!
And please note how well the pearls go with the school uniform!
Keep calm!
Got my Keep Calm poster today! Originally it was made in the UK during World War 2, as war propaganda, but apparantely it was never used. I think it is dead cool! It will hang in my kitchen, in a white IKEA frame. Got it from Petrified in Pink, a webshop that does beautiful graphic prints.
Girls love makeup!

Olivia came all the way from Zejtun to see us, with her mummy Catrin of course! The girls really hit it off and quickly started to swap makeup tips. Apparently bright red on your chin is the latest this season!
Early morning

Gozo - end of September

Niccolo is Kynan's nephew. When i came to Malta he was about 7 years. Now he's heading towards 20, is well over 6 feet tall and a cool dude! He just left for Milan, to study architecture. So his loving mother, Juanita, organised a farewell bbq at their flat in Nadur, Gozo. A great afternoon, one of those last summer days, when the water is getting cold but the sun is still hot. Here are all the cousins, except for Milla and Maja.

Now that is what I call a view!
Kynan had just had his b'day, so Juanita made him a cake - how sweet is that!? For you who don't know Juanita, she works an average 25 hours out of 24, plus takes care of husband and kids, so it just amazes me how she can find time for things like actually baking a cake!

Charmaine obviously grasped the opportunity to attack Kynan with a water gun when he was focusing on the cake. Oh she loved splashing him down!

Look at that face! The greatest pleasure is getting at your obnoxious little brother!
Anyways, Nics, we are all soo envious of you. Make sure you have fun! And when you come back home, please design my house with all cool things you picked up in Milan!
All mine...
Just went on one of my favorite sites, Malta InsideOut. And realised that all the pictures on the top part of the first page are mine! Not the one of the Rifffs, but the other three in color. Quite cool! Liz you have a great taste in photography!