I do!!

Kevin Casha is one of Malta's leading photographer. Having attending one of his photo classes, I asked if I could be his assistant during his photoshoots. One of his main topics is weddings, and he regularly does the cover of the magazine 'I do', a special covering wedding issues. So he asked if I could take 'behind the scenes' images from the shoot. Of course I would!!
I was fascinating with his complete control of the shoot. Kevin believes in taking a few shots, but take them right.  While i was shooting away frame after frame, he cooly just took a few of each situation. This saves him hours of post-shoot work. He also knew his model well, and is extremelly good at directing. Just by asking Sasha to raise her hands, he got a completelly different, and truly beautiful, shot.
Below some of my pics from the day.


I do!


I do
