
This beauty is Zoe, 7 weeks. I went to see her mother, Amanda, who lives at this amazing place on Dingli cliffs. The house is one of a kind, with an infinity pool that blows you away. Being an old house, it oozes style, but i just took pictures of little baby Zoe and not even one of the view! Shame on me!
Maja min Maja
This is my oldest angel. My Maja Mary Mirjami Muscat Scerri. How's that for a name. She will be 7 this april... how time flies... It is funny how the oldest always seems to be the calmest, the one who is most mature. In this picture she is 5.5 years but the picture still reflects her very much. She has always been much wiser than her years - never a baby in the sense that Linni can be. I cannot remember her stomping her feet, causing scenes... On the contrary, she was always very good at communicating, being fully bi-lingual at 1.5 year.. She is wonderful, beautiful creature, and i am often amazed that i am her mother...

Linni 3.5 years old
I've been struggling with this picture for quite some time - not sure why i can't get it right... It was taken on my terrace - Linni was filling up her splash pool. The original picture was more of a snapshot, with Linni covered in small drops of water. i cropped out this section, which shows her crazy hair in a lovely early summer sunshine shimmer, cloned out the water drops and increased the light quite a bit on her face
. Not sure if i should crop it even more though.

Milla Pop Art
This is Milla on new years eve with some simple photoshop pop art applied to picture! She is soon five months - today i gave her porridge and she really loved it. She still doesn't sleep much - she naps for ten minutes and then she is awake again! But nights are getting better although she was up for an hour last night...

Yesterday she started saying DaDaDa - and she is soooo cute when she says it!!

Yesterday she started saying DaDaDa - and she is soooo cute when she says it!!
Ms Fiona and Ms Nikki
I spent yesterday night in a pub in Bugibba, watching the fabulous show of Ms Fiona and Ms Nikki. My dear friend Deana works as a freelance journalist, and she had asked me if i could take the photos to go with the article. The newspaper had noone else to send so why didn't i try it out. I was about to decline, but then she got the editor to call me. So i said i'd give it a go, and am i glad i did! Am really really pleased with the outcome. Despite very bad photo conditions with bad light, crowded place etc i think the pics do give a feel of the atmosphere. Let me know what you think! You can give your comments to the pics by clicking 'Kommentarer' underneath the pic.
Thank you Deana!!

Getting Ready for the Show

Tina Turner

Ms Fiona


Enough is Enough

Ms Fiona doing her Samantha Fox

Nicholas 6 days old

Also took this pic of baby Nicholas, my friend Geraldines baby, which also came really nice as a print!
Just got some pics...
My friend, Jannika, has a beautiful little baby girl, Pia. She just turned 1, and for birthday present we did a photoshoot. Just got the prints and they look so good! Am really pleased. Below is one of the pics - what do you think??
Pia - 1 year old and gorgeous

Sweet dreams...
stormy friday night...
.. i didn't think the winds could pick up anymore, but i was wrong... kids tucked away in their beds, candles burning - feels like i am back in Sweden. Of course i am not, it's the Mediterranean Sea outside my window and not the Atlantic. And i will see the sun tomorrow, most of the day and not just for a few hours!
And i am blogging! I need to find out what the hype is all about. Have been wanting my own little website for ages, but am too technically challenged to get it off the ground. Maybe this is a good inbetween. I want an outlet to post my photos - not sure if this is the right medium but i will have a go. At least i am trying!
Living in Malta, with friends all over the world, i thought i'd keep it in english...
And i am blogging! I need to find out what the hype is all about. Have been wanting my own little website for ages, but am too technically challenged to get it off the ground. Maybe this is a good inbetween. I want an outlet to post my photos - not sure if this is the right medium but i will have a go. At least i am trying!
Living in Malta, with friends all over the world, i thought i'd keep it in english...