Schoolstart - finally!!!!!!!!!!!
And i am not sure who was most excited - me or the girls...
Aren't they sweet, posing outside school!??! Here with Esmee who is in Maja's class

The school grounds were abs chaos for both drop off and pick up - as it is every year for the first week. So we just hanged around, kids so excited they did their homework there and then

Meanwhile, in another part of Mgarr, Milla spent the day dreaming about being big. Much bigger than 3. So big she woudl actually go to school.

Which she actually will, this Thursday. And boy will she regret wishing leaving her mama, when the school gates close behind her and forever closes the first chapter of her life: innocent childhood spent carefree with your parents...
Big Mamas Everywhere!
Despite all gloom and doom about hard financial times, there seems to be a baby boom out there! Sweden was full of pregnant ladies. And quite a few babies here in Malta too! All those wonderful, WONDERFUL!! big bellies all around me! Makes me nostalgic... I abs LOVED being pregnant - never felt more gorgeous in my entire life!
This is me with Milla. Ooooh how i miss it!! When that little creature is moving inside - all of a sudden you can see the foot poking you hard. Or that weird feel when she moves around, blurp, like a seal swimming inside of you. Of course the back pain, the mood swings, the tiredness but in the end, who cares! Thank god i didnt start having kids earlier, would probably have ten by now!
Maja and Milla

Please note dresses - they are the same!! How coordinated am I???
More from Sweden

We have an old abandoned railway behind the forest, near our house in Sweden. Perfect place to take photos. But difficult with the light as it is filtered through the trees. And full of mosquitos.. Had to bribe the kids in the end as they got fed up with looking scenic and natural and just wanted to go home to Bullibumpa...
Re-doing cloudberry

Black Eyed Peas no 1!
This is beyond cool - it's just amazing! Crank up the volume on your speakers, makes it even better!
Stickers are fun
Me and Milla were clearing up... untill Milla found some old stickers... What better place to stick them then your own face?!
Puts a smile on my face!
What a great idea! Wish i had done something similar from all places i've been to!
I have a friend...

The photos came out nice, but i got really blocked of what to do of them. Which one would she like?! But then she called today, and just put it all in the right context. You do it as you want it, i trust you, she said. And i've been thinking about that tonight when i've been going through them again. And slowly it came to me: exactly how i wanted it! But that's going to be a surprise for her, so will not put it up here!

Grattis vannen - e sa glad att jag har dig!
Niklas' photoshoot

Ingunn contacted me through CloudBerryImages for a photoshoot to comemorate her son being 1 year. And despite poor light and a very fast kid we got some great photos!

Niklas is a fantastic kid, full of life and cool expressions - just check this out:

Mr Cool Dude!
Ingunn worked hard with keeping Niklas focused. Or maybe distracted??

One thing that really worked was getting out his blue chair. He loves his blue chair.

I mean: really, REALLY loves his blue chair!

We actually had problems getting him out of it!

We also took some photos of Ingunn and Niklas together. I think they came out abs stunning. Not only does Ingunn have a gorgeous baby - Niklas has a very beautiful mother!

A lovely morning! Fast - but great outcome!

Swedish Milk!

You have to be Swedish to understand this one. And probably live abroad to understand why I am printing it on a huge canvas and hang it on my kitchen wall! Got the inspiration from Lotten's wonderful retro blog: - check her out!
1 year collage

How cute is he! Niklas is from Norway, but lives for now in Swieqi, Malta. His mum Ingunn wanted to make a memory card for his first birthday, and I put together this funky collage for her!
Love you too!
-But how come, Maja, is is possible that I got such a beautiful daughter? It's funny, don't you think, esp since I am not that good looking??
Maja thought for a second, then answered:
- Maybe you were good looking when you were young?
Gotto love 'em...