Linni with Milla, 1 week old

I took this with my first digital camera - a 1 megapixel Sony! It is taken at my uncle's amazing summerplace in Finland. Finns are obsessed with summer places - they have a huge house in a small town and then they also have a huge summerplace. The summerplace has to be next to a lake, have a sauna and be miles away from the nearest neighbour. Very few things beats having a sauna and then running straight out into a lake...

Max and the girls!
The lean mean kissing machine in his right element...

Milla 4 days old

Open Day At School
We just had a great open day at school. I was truly truly impressed with the kids. Maja's grade had China as a theme, and her class started off their presentation with Maja singing SOLO! Oh there has never been a more proud mother! She had kept it a secret for me, so I had no clue. And there she stood, in front of everyone, even har class mates were in front of her and not behind, with a microphone in her hand and sang through this chinese song with no hesitation. Thank god i had the video camera to focus on or I would have started to cry!
Linni's class had animals as a theme, and did a lot of coloring. As you can see, she had a blast! They sang a song in Maltese together, which was also very impressive. Whenever i tried to film other kids singing, i would hear ' MAMMA!!!' from Linni, so that the camera went back on her!

Linni's class had animals as a theme, and did a lot of coloring. As you can see, she had a blast! They sang a song in Maltese together, which was also very impressive. Whenever i tried to film other kids singing, i would hear ' MAMMA!!!' from Linni, so that the camera went back on her!

Grandpa and Linni

This one is taken on the porch of my parents' house in Sweden. For those of you who know Linni it comes as no surprise that she is naked - she is a true streaker and throws her clothes off at the first possibility!


Philosophy at its greatest... This is EXACTLY how my reality feels like for me on a daily basis... Thank you Hillevi for finding this little gem of wisdom!
Helena by the Pool

My friend was building a pool. For the workmen to access the area, they had to knock a huge hole into the wall. Next door was a car dump (nothing extra ordinary - this is Malta after all!) and i got this lovely contrast. Unfortunatelly the light was very very harsh hence the overexposure.