Why I am a mum...

Posted a mail from Linni the other week: now it's Maja's turn. Aima hi kemm hobbok!!

Girl next door

I have found my dreamhouse. I live next to it. It's a cluster of old houses that a crafty businessman has structurally converted togetether to a lovely house, perfect for my family. Unfortunatelly the businessman is a true capitalist and is asking fantasy money for the house: 1.2 million euro... So we keep on dreaming... And go there to play in the ghost house, as the girls call it. Cause it's just open, empty, as it seems noone is agreeing with the price tag set by the businessman. As long as noone does, we pretend the house is ours...

Dagens Linni

The piano teacher was late for Linni's lesson. Luckily I had the camera in the back of the car, so we had a quick photo session in front of Mgarr church. I KNOW I KNOW i am her mother, but god is she good in front of the camera!

a new kitten...

We have a new kitten... The idea was to balance out the ratio dogs/cats: I felt that Missa was outnumbered and needed some re-inforcement by getting her a sister-in-arms... Obviously Missa HATES the new kitten while Trisha and Tramp are going bonkers over her... So is Milla: she is obsessed with Leila and I sometimes wonder if the poor thing will survive to see her third month birthday... She is a very sweet cat, especially after the kids have gone to bed and she can stop running for her life and just cuddle up in my knee (like she is at this very moment!)

From Linni w love

E-mails like this make my day...

Ella - so beautiful